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Amish Homestead

Our Story

As a third generation woodworker John Mark’s earliest encounter with the trade came on his sixth birthday with the gift of a small workbench and assorted hand tools from his Grandfather and Uncle where his career began, with his first sales beginning in his mid-teens.

Thirteen years ago his focus shifted from custom furniture to caskets and urns. As trends in the funeral industry have shifted away from traditional burial he has adjusted as well and now their focus is almost exclusively on urns.


As a family living in an area of outstanding natural beauty and resources, their interests lean heavily towards anything out of doors, fishing, hunting, and living in sync with the land with a keen interest in wildlife conservation and sound forestry practices.

Our Team

Production of our product is overseen by the owner John Mark Miller, who also does all the finishing, while two sons and a daughter provide the skills needed to take the raw hardwoods to the finished product.

The ultra high quality carved designs are from Danny McLennan and his company, Hay River Company. He is conveniently located just a few mailboxes down the road.

Hay River Company (Danny) also manages our online efforts. He maintains our web page, product information, photography, helps coordinate shipping, customer communications, operates the online marketing, and is the direct link between John Mark and our online customers. 

To be in keeping within the tenants of his Amish Faith a friend and neighbor (Allen Freiermuth) has been a tremendous addition to our team. He aides in the cultivation of new business ideas, marketing, and customer communications. He works with direct sales and also helps build wholesale relationships. 


You will not find another person who cares of others the way Allen does. This makes him the perfect person to be working with our customers and helping them in a difficult time of need. 

Tom (Doc) Ziegel has been instrumental for years in the sales and design components and is a close neighbor and longtime friend.

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